These datasets are regularly downloaded from the Business Objects feature of ETO. They live only in the temporary cache of the reporting server (and not available publically in the repository).


Each row represents a single scheduled visit by a C1 nurse to a client. It’s underlying source is OK Participant Encounter Universe, based on the “Participant” Subject Area (“This universe combine demographics, program enrollment, caseload and the encounter form information.”).

Variable Description Type
Program Unique Identifier Program ID (this is effectively a County ID for C1) Integer
Entity Site Identifier Nurse ID. Integer
Case Number ID of the client in ETO. Integer
PHOCIS ID ID of the client in the older PHOCIS database (in case the worlds need to be linked). Integer
Staff Site Identifier ? Integer
Case Worker Nurse Name. String
Reason For Dismissal Indicates if dismissed or graduated String
Program Name Program Name String
OSIIS ID ? String